The Australian response to Institutional Child Abuse (2nd edition)

The Australian response to Institutional Child Abuse (2nd edition)

The implementation of the National Redress Scheme in 2018 and the legislative reforms that have since been adopted by eastern seaboard jurisdictions in the period since the findings of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse represent landmark changes that have assisted to remove barriers to justice for many child sexual abuse survivors.

The National Redress Scheme, which is approaching its third anniversary, together with legislative reforms in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria, have sought to make it easier for child abuse survivors to pursue compensation through civil litigation or redress against ‘institutions’ charged with their care.

In this 2nd edition Guide, we review the impact of the Scheme and the legislative changes that have taken place in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria and discuss the implications of these changes for institutions and insurers.

To view an extract of this Guide, please click here. To request the full version of this publication, please send an email to [email protected].

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