Building Industry Fairness (Security of Payment) Act 2017 (Qld)

Our team has specific expertise advising principals, contractors, sub-contractors and consultants in relation to the Building Industry Fairness (Security of Payment) Act 2017 (Qld) (BIF Act). We have advised on these time sensitive and detailed disputes in Queensland and other states (applying the parallel legislation).

The BIF Act can have a major impact on businesses involved in the construction industry. In addition to rights arising under contract, the BIF Act creates a statute-based right to payment for construction work performed. It also provides for a system of adjudication of progress payment disputes during a project’s construction phase.

We help clients identify entitlements that should be pursued, paid, or rejected in accordance with both the contract and the legislation.

Our registered adjudicators help prepare payment claims and payment schedules, and apply for or respond to an adjudication.
