Milton Latta
Milton Latta

Milton Latta


About Milton

Milton is a specialist insurance Partner with more than 13 years advising on personal injury and property damage claims.

He has extensive experience acting for insurers and corporate clients, defending property damage and personal injury claims, pursuing recovery actions, and providing advice on indemnity disputes and policy response in a wide range of general liability areas.

With a mechanical engineering background, Milton has a particular interest and specialisation in defective product claims, property and other claims brought under the Australian Consumer Law. This specialisation has resulted in Milton representing clients in relation to fire claims, product liability, property, construction work and contractor claims, indemnity disputes and work-related claims.

When managing technical claims, Milton’s engineering background puts him at an advantage. He understands the technical issues and, where experts are briefed, ensures their reports address the key issues. This forensic approach is also being applied when working with fire related claims.

Milton is a member of the Queensland Association of Fire Investigators and has specialist expertise in this area.

Milton's areas
of expertise and industry focus

Areas of expertise

Dispute Resolution
& Litigation

Arbitration & Mediation

Construction, Projects & Infrastructure

Construction Dispute Resolution & Litigation

Construction, Projects & Infrastructure

Construction Insurance

Construction, Projects & Infrastructure

Construction, Projects & Infrastructure

Dispute Resolution
& Litigation

Dispute Resolution & Litigation


General Liability



Latest insights by Milton

Australian Civil Liability Guide (12th edition)

1 August 2023
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Hot Work Exclusions – The Devil is in the Detail

2 July 2022
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Injury Liability Gazette (14th edition)

1 March 2022
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Insurance Fraud: What does it take to prove who lit the match?

1 March 2022
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