Property and Real Estate Gazette
(5th edition)

Property and Real Estate Gazette (5th edition)

Carter Newell has a longstanding history of acting on behalf of landowners and landlords, real estate agents, valuers, surveyors, industry bodies and property industry participants throughout Australia. We pride ourselves on sharing knowledge and our experienced property and insurance lawyers have compiled a succinct and practical analysis of topical cases in the areas of advertising communications, commercial property management, formation of contracts, duty of care, misleading and deceptive conduct, personal injury, planning and property law.

Of note in this edition is the case note relating to Than v Galetta & Ors [2019] NSWDC 9 in which the NSW District Court found a property manager liable in negligence when the lighting in a common internal staircase was faulty and resulted in injury. Also of note is the article on page 36 relating to paper certificates of title no longer having any legal effect and the impact to parties who hold a certificate of title as a form of security over real property.

As a premier legal practice with offices in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne, we are confident this edition of the Property and Real Estate Gazette will be a useful resource.

To view an extract of this Gazette, please click here. To request the full version of this publication, please send an email to [email protected].

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